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Road trip

So Sunday I was being a total couch potato when Livia (my lovable cousin, remember her?) called me and asked if I was down for a fast trip to the mountains with her and her boyfriend, Adrian. Needless to say I literally jumped from my pajamas into the first dress I could get my hands on, grabbed a hat and the camera and I was on my way.

Firstly, I have to say it - these two are a walking, talking fairytale, so beautiful and nice both on the outside and on the inside – it’s sickening, really!:) They also happen to be great company, funny and easy to be around so we had a great time.

The way back was a little bumpy as I sometimes get car sick (especially when the road is not straight and I ate three one too many slices of watermelon) so at one point I might have asked Adrian to stop the car to throw up. They were worried but I just did it, cleaned up and then casually said “I’m done, no biggie, we can go now, business as usual!” I already told you I’m a bit of a freak show but they didn’t mind, I’m sure they are going to invite me next time too cause who doesn’t want somebody to throw up in their car while on a road trip??!!!!I mean, that’s the main rule of any good party, right?!

Picture heavy post!:)
Be aware! Cuteness overload!:)
  You know what taking frequent photos of your outfit does to you? You’re gonna end up striking a “model” type pose on a huge rock in a middle of nowhere like a total douche! :))))))
 The plan was to chill one nameless watermelon in the river and then eat it but we forgot the knife at home so Adrian had to get creative. A CD cover was irreparably harmed so that we don’t die of hunger:))))
I love this photo: looks like I've been photoshopped into the scenery!

 I’m wearing:
dress - vintage
 sandals and hat - H&M
  rings -  Forever 21 and Meli Melo
bracelets - random brands

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