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Here we go again

Am I the only one that keeps a pair of flats and even a crease free skirt in her bag at all times? Probably! I am a one man freak show! But there are days when you’ll send yourself imaginary kisses all day long for having them there.
Take for example Thursday when I was feeling badass and decided to wear a pair of leather pants and high heels (I’d seen X-Men:First Class the day before). Hot outfit but not one of my brightest ideas. Five hour and 2 pounds later (I lost them by literally sweating my ass off) I just gave up and changed in the skirt and flats that I brilliantly had in the bag (You have to be a stupid asshole before being a genius:)))) and I was happy again and ready to meet my lovable friends - Anna, Denisa, Eve and Sandrato gossip for a coffee&co.

I’m going to show you the literally killer outfit (the one with the leather pants) in the future, for now you’ll have to do with the one I could breath in!:))).
I love the vintage jacket; it’s one of the most treasured vintage pieces I own. The necklaces are actually vintage amulets that Sara bought form Ebay and then transformed them for me/her to wear.

  The proof I'm insanely funny!:) Sandra was overwhelmed by this characteristic of mine while Denisa kept her cool and game face!!:)))))) Till next time, Didi!:)
 All the pictures where I am by myself are taken by Cristina during lunch break, my sweet co-worker! Thank you!
 The bling!
 Me and Anna were probably separated at birth, we just get along so well, it’s a love fest all the way.
  Buzz fest!!!Busted!:)))))
  You may think the next two photos are an ironic Dinasty pose but you’re wrong!:))) It's just how serious we are about group shoots:)
 I’m wearing:
skirt, jacket – vintage
tank top – H&M
flats – Moa
rings –  Forever 21
 sunglases – New Look
amulet necklaces – all vintage reworked by me and my sister

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