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Stop Making Sense!

I’m trying to explain the scenery in the photos while also giving you precious information about the city I live in (this is a very educative blog, it’s not all about fashion:))).
How could I put this? Dambovita (the river behind me) is to Bucharest what Sena is to Paris so you might as well consider I took these photos in Paris (if you can ignore the ugly glass building in the back of course). I sure do! Why else would I have a vivid imagination but to use it every single day (until teleportation will be possible that is !:)))))
You might know by now how found I am of mixing different prints, I strongly believe in “the more, the merrier”. If you’re a beginner in “mixology” you can always start with a safe and amazing looking choice: just combine something floral and something Breton inspired (classic stripes). I’ve also added some cute “animal print meets roses” socks, a very long blue belt and a pair of purple heels.
At this point many people would just stop and call it a day but I do feel naked without jewelry and we wouldn’t want that, would we?! That explains the feather earrings that I made myself (see my site here or check out my Etsy Store), the bracelets and the rings – just another day at the office:))).

Pictures by Denisa
 My sister thinks I should get a tattoo and suggested this one, also offered to make it herself:)))))))))))) A kind soul that one!:) 
I’m wearing:
skirt, belt –  vintage
shoes, bracelets and stripped body suit – random brands
socks – Miss Selfridge
 rings – Meli Melo
sunglasses –  Forever 21

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