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Today's mood

I should really do some kind of exercise because eating your weight in ice cream every week has consequences or so I found out lately. The thing is I hate going to the gym, it’s so boring and full of assholes - you probably know the types: silicone Barbies with way to much makeup and b***s hanging out and libidinous overmusceled guys.

The only way I’m going to actually go is if I find an interesting class, something challenging and fun like kick boxing, maybe Pilates, swimming (only I don’t know how to swim – I’m so lame:)))) – so that I don’t feel like I’m actually exercising. Any suggestions?

Later edit:
Thank you so much for all your suggestion, they are all appreciated, I hope I’ll find something although, if I know myself, I'll probably have an ice-cream baby before doing any kind of exercise!:))))

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