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The half moon nails tutorial:)

I know this type of nails has been done before but many of you asked me how I’ve done it so here’s a very simple photo tutorial. I guess my only contribution to this technique is that I used these little red adhesive dots that are meant for something completely different but are very useful and inexpensive (you can find them in any school supplies store).

You can choose any two colors you want, just make sure they go well together. I also wanted the “half moon” to be bigger and rounder than usual and the little dots are perfect for that.

Stiu ca tipul acesta de unghii nu este nou, dar am decis sa fac un tutorial rapid (in imagini) pentru ca am primit o multime de mailuri si comentarii cu intrebari legate de acest subiect. Consider ca singura informatie cu adevarat noua este legata de forma pe care am folosit-o ca sa obtin “semiluna” din josul unghiei. 

Ei bine, am cumparat niste cerculete rosii autoadezive care se gasesc in orice librarie bine aprovizionata pe care le-am taiat in doua (ele sunt menite pentru cu totul altceva, dar mi s-au parut perfecte mai ales ca doream o “semiluna” mai mare si mai rotunda decat cele pe care le-am vazut in alte tutoriale, practic un semicerc:))). Puteti folosi orice combinatie de culori, eu am ales alb si roz intr-o nuanta de acadea.

Step 1. Apply the base color (the color of the “half-moon”). Wait for it to perfectly dry.
Aplicati culoarea de baza (practic culoarea semilunii)!Asteptati sa se usuce bine.

Step 2. Cut the dots in half and apply them on the bottom half of each nail. Make sure they are well glued!
Taiati cerculetele adezive in doua si lipiti-le pe fiecare unghie in partea de jos, asigurati-va ca sunt bine asezate si perfect intinse!

Step 3. Apply the second color of nail polish. Wait for it to perfectly dry.
Aplicati a doua culoare de oja si asteptati sa se usuce bine!

Step 4. After making sure the nail polish is dry just take the dots off.
Dezlipiti semicercurile dupa ce v-ati asigurat ca oja este complet uscata!

Step 5. You’re done! Admire and put a ring on it!:)))). High five for a job well done! Gloat!:))))
Rasuflati usurate – sunteti gata! Se servesc cu inele colorate!:)

How do you like it? This was my first try, I'm pretty sure next time will be even better!:)

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