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The last (neurotic) romantic

My internet is back and I feel whole again!
I swear to you, guys, the internet addiction of our generation is bad, I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and I was cut out (literally - an assface cut the internet wire) for a bit over 30 hours - I felt completely empty inside :))))))))))))))).
The good thing is I cleaned my apartment, finished a book, modified two dresses, made myself a ring and actually cooked something (after work that is:). I can’t even imagine what I could do if I wasn’t connected to the World Wide Web for a week.
The superstars of the world are super lucky I’m not, otherwise they should SO watch their backs:)))

On the dressing front I feel the compulsive need to wear floral prints. I don’t know what came over me but I can’t control myself. I hope you’re in the mood for some print mixing because this outfit is all about that. I got so many stares wearing this you’d think I was naked or something.

I have this soft floral blouse for a long time, Sara bought it in high school and I still love it, especially the interesting back. The cute hat is vintage, I just added the colored bow to give it a little something extra.

Everybody loves the hat, I’m pretty sure Denisa (who gracefully took all the photos) has a complicated and effective plan to steal it from me in motion right now (she does look amazing wearing it). The socks have a double role in the outfit: a visual/stylistic effect and a comfort/bumper effect as these heels are a bitch to walk in.

I kind of went overboard with the pictures but the background was strangely beautiful, I’ll admit it, I was having a little bit of a "Great Expectations”  fantasy while posing!:))))

 Excuse my tanning lines, me and direct sun exposure are not great friends!:)))))
I’m wearing:
skirt, belt, bag, hat - vintage
 socks – H&M
 heels - New Look
 blouse, rings – random brand

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