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Be cool, man! Act natural!:)

Here’s another outfit I totally forgot forcing Denisa to take pictures of. The funny thing is I actually posted a teaser of this outfit and then something important must have happen because I don’t remember anything.:))))). It’s like I spent a week in Vegas!

What I do remember is some fartfaces asking us if I was taking pictures for my weeding:), totally logical question cause, you know, nothing sais weeding pictures than a girl taking pictures of another girl in the park, also I do plan wearing a Kenvelo shirt at my wedding (only the classiest shit for me, thank you very much:))).

My sister loves this skirt and sometimes forces me to wear it and now that I see the pictures I guess it’s cute and doesn’t make me look fat. The double locket type necklace I made myself, one side is a black and white floral print, the other side has a photo of Marilyn Monroe (check out my site to buy it and see more of my work).

Sorry for the noisy pictures, the light was awful that day.

I also remember trying to take one of those amazing ”jumping pictures”, you know, those in which a girl seems like she’s flying while also looking hot. After I realized I’m not jumping high enough I did the only sensitive thing that one can do in such a situation: I jumped from a bench – I’m quite a visionary in this area (Photography) so don’t hate me for being smart…Cause I am, even if the face in the picture may suggest otherwise:))))))))).

I’m wearing:
skirt – HLN
 shirt – Kenvelo
belt – vintage
 shoes and rings – random brands
 denim jacket – Pepe Jeans
double Marilyn Monroe necklace – Alice&Sara (handmade by me, buy them here).

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