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I guess I’ll get you in your dreams

Once again I confirm my roots by wearing a little something covered in animal print, it’s not my fault, it’s the genes, guys, I swear! It’s been genetically proven people born in the Balkans can’t help themselves from wearing this kind of print. :)))))

All the pictures were taken by my friend, Costin, a while ago (I kind of forgot about them until today) when the weather wasn’t as impossible/hot as right now.

Other than that I’m wearing an amazing mint denim boy shirt, I wear a lot of oversized man clothes, they are very comfortable, so don’t be afraid to rummage through your boyfriends, fathers, friends closets.
Don’t even think about returning cool clothes that your exes left at your home, it’s the least they can do after being total scumbags (they are exes after all, no reason to hate the cool clothes they left behind though:))), remember we’re living hard times, recycling (clothes, not boys) is key)))).

The red zipper bracelet and the pin up girl brooch are both made by yours truly, I just can’t get out of the house without some accessories that I made myself (if you want one tell me and I can list them in my Etsy Store, my Romanian readers can find them here and here).

 Don’t you just love the huge graffiti on the wall, very colorful and smart (the people who live in Bucharest will understand the message…hopefully)?!
I’m wearing:
 mint shirt, belt – vintage
 leggings – Miss Selfridge
flats – Moa
 ring - Asos
sunglasses – Forever 21
 bag - random brand

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