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Friday night…

Here’s a little peek at my next outfit and a couple of hilarious photos from last night.
We had a little movie/pizza party at D’s crib :))))))))). It was just me, Denisa, Maria and Costin having mindless fun. We behaved like children left home alone and took a lot of funny/silly pictures. I love this kind of relaxed parties among friends; you can just be yourself and act stupid without feeling bad.

We started like...10 movies but never actually got to see one through the end, we were too busy talking and laughing.

We are all wearing lace and velvet Mickey Mouse and Kitty Kat ears, entirely handmade by me; my Romanian readers can buy them here, my foreign readers can just write me if interested in a pair and I can list them in my Etsy Store.

 We’re really into healthy food as you can see from the pictures :)))))
I was molesting Didi while Maria was being a grown up and smiling for the photo!:)
 Costin was being camera shy but took lots of pictures and made fun of us (in all truth we were asking for it). Epic hairdo, right?
 Bottoms up!:)

 Didi making her best P.I.M.P impression while me and Maria were failing to pretend we’re the hoes ladies of the night:)))). Being classy, on the other hand, it's something you can't fake!:))))

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