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Late summer romance

I finally got around posting the outfit I wore at the New Look Pre – Opening Party, the one you got more than a glance of in my last article. I guess I’m a little bit nostalgic about summer being almost over and I subconsciously dress in ways that celebrate this season (while still hating the heat wave:)).

There is no better occasion to wear a white dress than the summer so I went for a very romantic get up with lots of accessories. The dress is vintage, very simple but quite amazing with the gold button details in the skirt area (you can open them and…puff you have an outrageous slit on your left leg). The gold necklaces are a mix of vintage pieces (the locket and the pearl and purple stone piece) and modern (the one with the five rings).

As I already told you the pink flower crown is handmade by me and part of my own accessories collection (you can see more of my work on my site or my Etsy Store).

Many people may consider wearing a roses halo crown in an everyday situation unusual but I do it all the time, it’s just something so different and beautiful – for me fashion is all about fun and expressing things about you and your mood, so here I am, this is me!:)

Photos by my dear friend  Laura

I’m wearing:
dress, belt - vintage
sandals – H&M
necklaces – vintage and New Look
 ring – Miss Selfridge
bracelet – Meli Melo

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