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You’d never get out of bed

I don’t need any reasons to spend more time in bed with my books or watching mind numbing or just amazing TV Shows, but what I DO need it’s one of these babies!

It’s so cold and gloomy in Bucharest right now and I have such a horrible cold I can’t imagine anything better than a huge, warm and cozy bed with crisp white or colorful sheets and many pillows to sleep in, dream and forget about everything. I would also need hot tee around the clock, comfort food and cheesy movies.

I’m super needy when I’m sick and I love everybody to make a fuss about it, pity and take care of me. Alice on the other hand is very stoic; she just suffers in silence and doesn’t say anything about it. I find that to be disturbing, how am I suppose to know you’re sick if you don’t make loud noises and wallow in your own suffering like there’s no tomorrow?!!! I’m not a mind reader, you know! :))))

 Swinging beds!!! How amaizing is that?
Photos: 1.
What kind of “patient” are you?

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