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2011 in outfits

It’s seems I’m never truly able to make a proper retrospective of anything: I just don’t have events rationally systematized in my head; it’s all a blur of emotions, colors and tastes. So you see why I need to have a blog - to actually remember what happened to me :)), this and achieving world fame and domination! :))).

What I do recall about this year is: I’ve been happy, I’ve been sad, I’ve read many books, I laughed a lot, I’ve cried a bit, I’ve listened to tons of music, I’ve loved, hoped, been disappointed, made mistakes, I’ve watched way too many TV shows, wore a lot of dresses, I’ve been miserable and ecstatic, I bought an outrageous number of rings, made some new friends, I gave up others, I had some good times, I’ve dreamed and walked on clouds! It’s been a busy year!

Here’s what I wore while doing all that!

 Any favourites?

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