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The Hunger Games – the books, future movie and cast overview

I’ve just finished reading The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins. I read the last word of the third book in the series (Mockingjay) a couple of minutes ago and then hit Google to see if they have a movie in the making. They obviously do – this is the time when anything fantasy will certainly be a success; especially this series that’s an addictive combination of Battle Royal and Survivor with an ethical edge and a sprinkle of romance.

I guess I’ve always been into fiction but just recently got the sience fiction and fantasy bug. Damn you, Harry Potter and A song of Ice and Fire! It’s really bad. I mean, I can’t help myself. I’ve read the three books in less than five days, I just felt I couldn’t do anything else properly until I was done. Now I can finally live again! Until I find another book I can obsess all over again that is!!!

What I loved about this trilogy? Well it’s something easy to digest while also being reasonably deep and making you wonder about some things. And it’s funny and hearbreaking, unexpected and totally predicteable in some ways. The charachters are faulty and damaged – they are human. And while the story takes place in a post apocalyptic world, some things in this book really hit home. Don’t expect me to compare it with Twilight. It’s about 100 times better!
It also got me saying a few times: "Suzanne Collins, you cold hearted bitch!!!!” I don’t know what’s with this contemporary authors and their thirst to kill their charachters as soon as you start loving them so much you think the book couldn’t go on without them.

I don’t want to say too much in case you want to read the three books (The Hunger Games, Catching Fire and Mockingjay) yourself.
The movie made after the first book - The Hunger Games - will be realeased in 2012 (march I think). I was super curious to see the cast they’ve chosen to embody the personages I came to love, hate or despise in the books. I already imagined them in a way so I have a pretty good idea about how they should look and act.


I’m happy with Jennifer Lawrence playing the main character Katniss "The Girl on Fire" Everdeen (the books are written from her perspective) – I think she can make this thricky character her own.
I guess Liam Hemsworth could pull off a decent Gale Hawthorne (hate the fact he doesn’t seem to have the longer hair in the movie unlike the book’s version).
I don’t see Josh Hutcherson as Peeta Mellark, but we’ll have to wait and see.
What I do think is a brilliant cast move is Woody Harrelson as Haymitch Abernathy and Lenny Kravitz as Cinna.
You’d beter cast someone gorgeous as Finnick Odair for the second movie cause I have a huge crash on him in the book and I don’t want to be disappointed!:)))))))))

That being said I hope this first movie will be great and they will transform the next two volumes into movies too. Not everybody likes to read!:))))))))

The trailer looks good!

A part of the cast in Vanity Fair!
Photos: 1,2.
Any amazing fantasy books you can recommend?

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