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2011 in details

I can’t believe 2011 is already over! It was an interesting year for me - with lots of ups and downs, but I guess life is like that. I’m ready for a New Year and I’m excited to make this one truly spectacular; I’m going to make things happen, guys!

One extraordinary thing this year brought was an unexpected and very fast growth of this blog. I didn’t see that coming, but I have all of you to thank for it. It’s been only 6 months since me and Sara really started to update the blog daily and the results are amazing. We’re determined to improve it even more in 2012! Thank you so much!

You know how I live for jewelry and small enchanting accessories, right?! So I thought I should give you a best of 2011 in details. It’s only the first in a series of three, next I’ll post a best of outfits and best of makeup and hairdos I sported this past year!

You'll notice a lot of rings and bracelets, high heels, colorful nails, prints, frilly socks and necklaces -  a lot of me!:))))

Any particular detail that you like?

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