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Diamonds are forever

"I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number you get in a diamond." (Mae West)
As a person of modest means I didn’t really get the allure of diamond jewelry, not truly. But then I started passionately watching movies from the 50’s and 60’s and I was suddenly hooked on all the glitter and promise.

Elizabeth Taylor

Collecting pictures with the icons of old Hollywood such as Mae West, Lana Turner, Elizabeth Taylor and Marlene Dietrich will do that to you. These amazing ladies loved a little (and by little I mean a lot) bling; they were always so impeccably glamorous.

 The legendary blue dress designed by Edith Head and worn by Grace Kelly in To Catch a Thief

You just can’t watch Hitchcock’s “To Catch a Thief” (1955) and not wish to go back in time. You’ll just dream of driving a blue convertible on a winding mountain road (preferably without a police car following you) with the French Riviera at you feet while wearing swing shaped dresses in pastel colors, sunglasses and stacks of diamond anniversary rings on your fingers.

There’s no other way of living when you’re as flawless as Grace Kelly. You can only hope for somebody with half of Cary’s Grant swagger. But I would definitely settle for living near Cannes and sometimes spending a week or two at Carlton.

Cary Grant and Grace Kelly in promotional photo for To Catch a Thief
You’ll start getting the magic of a beautifully made diamond anniversary band after seeing “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” (1953), a thrilling musical comedy in glittering Technicolor with Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russel directed by Howard Hawks.

While most of the fabulous jewelry used in movies are high quality make believes, Marilyn Monroe actually wore a pear-shaped diamond on screen while singing the now iconic “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend”. And why shouldn’t they be exactly that? Ice cream just doesn’t cut it sometimes.

"Do you think it's too small, Dorothy?" - Lorelei Lee in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

Which brings me at Anjolee – they have a gorgeous rings selection - my absolute favorite is the anniversary band, just imagine a couple of these babies stacked on your finger, I can just see an awesome mix and match of different gemstones – a huge trend right now. Anjolee also allows any of their jewelry designs to be customized by metal type (yellow gold, white gold or platinum), diamond quality, size and length making anybody feel like a movie star.

How do you feel about diamonds? Any great movies come in mind?

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