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Superior logical devices :)

People often ask me how do I choose my outfits in the morning which got me thinking how do I do it?!! The truth is I don’t have a formula, I just open the closet and 5 minutes later I’m done. I’m not the thinking through type of girl, I rarely prepare something in advance, it’s all about the mood I’m in (also about what’s clean and hopefully wrinkle free)))).

And then are the mornings when for some reason I weak up late (you’d think that after all this time I would have get used to waking up in time – it’s not the case) and literally grab the first thing in my way, usually a dress – you don’t have to bother about anything else but some shoes.

Anybody can tell when I had one of these days: I’m not wearing as much jewelry as usual, my hair is a hot mess, color coordination is a possibility as maching my shoes with something else is so easy, I’m looking like the little red riding hood or a little girl trapped in a very tall body – just take a look at the pictures. :))))

I’m wearing:
belt, dress –  vintage
ring – New Look
flats, bracelets – random brand

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