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Paradiso Perduto. Ain't love grand?

You know how a couple of days ago I was rambling about Great Expectations and how I felt a bit like Estelle in one of my outfits?

Well imagine my delight when I saw Chotronette’s fall-winter collection (Paradiso Perduto) and their inspiration – no other than Miss Havisham. The thing is, the photoshoot they made to showcase some of the new pieces is so brilliant and expressive I would have known the inspiration source without even reading the press release. 

I’ve always thought Miss Havisham to be kind of cool in a really creepy way: she’s the ultimate drama queen, stopping all the clocks, always wearing her old, decomposing, yellowed wedding dress, wanting so bad her pain and desperation to show on the outside, poisoning everything she touches and never letting go.

I adore the dresses they made, the black, sheer one is stunning, both ethereal and dark, like a transparent cage. I love how they used beautiful sheer lace and created all the little details, ruffles, shaped shoulders and adorable buttons, the print with the black trees they used in some of the pices is also amazing.
Props for the beautiful photos, I love the Grey Gardens atmosphere, the model, hair, makeup, everything really!:)


Photos by Silvia Chiteala
Photo manipulation: Nicolae Negura
Model & makeup artist: Cristina Hohan
Irregular choice shoes from

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