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Weary sun, sleep tonight, go crashing into the ocean

I obviously didn’t wear this yesterday, there is a full blown mean fall weather outside but I wish I could have. I just stumbled upon these pictures taken a few weeks ago and decided the outfit deserves a place here. The pictures were taken by two of my favorite persons in the world: my unbearably cute cousin Livia and my radiant and extremely funny friend Anna.

The high waisted navy skirt is something that I really love, if it was a boy I would be crazy in love! :))))). Vintage of course! That cropped oversized t-shirt that I knotted at the back is unfortunately no more; I spilled something on me and ruined it. Let’s be grateful it had a moment of glory at least :))).

In case you’re wondering about the necklace here’s a tip: there are in fact two of them that I layered to make a bigger and flashier one. Get creative with your jewelry: there are a million way to wear them!

Another tip that I can give you it’s that this length of skirt (mid-calf) works really well with high sky heels; they give it a really classy feel no matter how tall you are.

Simt nostalgie numai uitandu-ma la fotografiile acestea. Si cand te gandesti ca au fost facute acum cateva saptamani; intre timp s-a instalat toamna si este intr-o dispozitie foarte rea!
O zi petrecuta cu doua dintre persoanele mele favorite: Livia si Anna, cu soare si picioare dezvelite!!!

Fusta albastra cu talie inalta pe care o port este una dintre piesele mele favorite, daca ar fi un baiat ar fi sufletul meu pereche. Din pacate am distrus tricoul foarte larg si scurt pe care il port in poze innodat la spate cand am varsat ceva pe mine din greseala. Macar a avut un moment de glorie!:))))

Si daca imi ingaduiti o va dau si doua ponturi:
Primul este legat de acest gen de lungime a fustei (la jumatatea gambei), stiu ca mai toata lumea se fereste de ea datorita mitului urban ca se potriveste numai fetelor inalte, eu sunt intr-adevar foarte inalta, insa cred ca vine de minune oricui o poarta cu tocuri sau platfome, mi se pare ca arata foarte elegant.
Al doilea este legat de folosirea creativa a bijuteriilor: daca nu aveti un colier statement suficient de mare puteti combina doua mai micute (le asezati in straturi) asa cum am facut eu in fotografii, nu trebuie sa fie acelasi stil sau material, contrastele arata grozav.

 How amazing is Livia's tulip skirt?
 I told you Anna's trully radiant!:)
I'm wearing
skirt and belt/fusta si curea: vintage
heels and oversized blouse/sandale si tricou scurt: random brand
rings/inele: Meli Melo
necklaces/coliere:  New Look and Forever 21
sunglasses/ochelari - Asos

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