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Event: Stefanel Concept Store Opening

Fall brings cold weather and a lot of fashion related events in Bucharest, so last Thursday I was attending Stefanel’s Concept Store Opening with Denisa in a beautiful new space in the middle of Bucharest. The two stories building that hosts the new concept store is actually a splendid old, noble house with huge windows and elegant spacious rooms.

The Italian brand is one of the first brands that dared to open a store in Romania in the 90’s (which was actually a brilliant idea as the competition was very weak, almost nonexistent back then) so they are no strangers to this market. From what I heard around town Stefanel Romania has a new manger (Carlo Stefanel) who’s trying to reposition the local stores according to the brand’s new, younger philosophy.

And so far I think they are doing just fine: as a young person I found part of their new collection quite appealing: amazing knitwear in a warm color palette with bright pops of color, comfortable silhouettes, effortless chic with a timeless feel to it. Another pleasant surprise were the shoes and bags which I liked a lot, some of them (especially the bags) had beautiful details and interesting color mixing.

The only thing is I’m not actually part of their target income wise: Stefanel is becoming more and more a high end brand although they are officially aiming for a medium-high clientele, they think of themselves as affordable luxury.

The cocktail party was nice, they had live music (Dalma and DJ Dax) and lots of Romanian celebrities graced the event with their presence. At one point it got really crowded so I left as I had already taken way too many photos and had the time to see all the clothes and accessories which was basically why I went for in the first place.
I also got to talk a bit with my blogger friends: Oliviana, Dinna and finally got to meet Andreea who was as delightful as expected.

As for my outfit – I’m going to make a separate article about it; the dress I’m wearing has a very special story that deserves to be told.

Toamna in Bucuresti vine insotita de o multime de evenimente iar joia trecuta am participat la unul dintre ele: deschiderea concept store-ului Stefanel intr-o splendida, (fosta) casa boiereasca din centrul orasului (Piata Romana, nr.3). Petrecerea de deschidere a fost draguta, cu muzica live (Dalma si DJ Dax) si o multime de celebritati locale (cantareti, starlete, oameni de televiziune, designeri). Eu una nu am ajuns fashionably late asa ca am putut sa fac poze linistita, sa privesc si sa ating noua colectie Stefanel si chiar sa vorbesc in tihna cu cateva persoane (Oliviana, Dinna si Andreea) inainte sa se aglomereze foarte tare (cand am si plecat impreuna cu Denisa).

Stefanel este unul dintre primele branduri italienesti importante care au deschis magazine in Romania in anii 90 (o decizie inspirata avand in vedere concurenta si alternativele practic inexistente atunci). In prezent Stefanel Romania are un nou manager (Carlo Stefanel, fiul actionarului majoritar) si incearca o repozitionare pe piata romaneasca care sa fie in acord cu politica generala a brandului avand ca obiectiv principal atragerea unui segment de piata mai tanar.

Vorbind din perspectiva unei persoane tinere interesate de moda, pot sa spun ca o parte a colectiei noi mi-a placut foarte mult: piesele tricotate pentru care Stefanel este cunoscut nu au dezamagit, mi-au placut siluetele confortabile, dar chic si atemporale si culorile calde pe care le-au folosit cu cateva accente de culoare. Chiar si mai tare mi-au placut gentile si cateva perechi de pantofi cu design elegant si clasic, dar destul de modern prin combinatiile de culori si texturi.
Cu toate acestea nu fac parte din publicul tinta Stefanel din punct de vedere al venitului: ca preturi Stefanel tinde din ce in ce mai mult spre segmentul high end, desi traditional brandul este unul medium-high, un fel de lux pe care ti-l poti permite. Nu si in ceea ce ma priveste, insa le urez mult success si inspiratie mai ales ca Stefanel este (in Romania cel putin) un brand care se bazeaza pe loialitatea clientilor si emotie (legata de istoria lui in Romania).

In ceea ce priveste tinuta mea, o sa-i dedidc un post separat pentru ca rochia pe care o port are o poveste care trebuie spusa.

 I really liked this leather dress!:)

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