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Keep on looking good, keep on looking hood:)

This is what I wore some weekends ago when I was actually free. How else to celebrate the good times than wearing a “walk of shame” type outfit?! Sure, my vintage lace slip/night gown wasn’t meant to see the outside of my flat, but hey, I’m an equal rights kind of girl, I give all my clothes a chance.

The shirt I’m wearing over the black lace slip is a 4 sizes too big Ralph Lauren man shirt that was calling my name for a while now - I had to wear it, I also needed something long enough to cover my ass as that black thingy is very see through.

Don’t need to tell you how many stares this outfit got, I’m imaging people were asking themselves where did I left my skirt/bottom part of the outfit. Thankfully nobody said anything so I got to feel all scandalous in peace and Denisa who was ready to defend my honor:)))) only had to take some photos of the outfit, a good thing too, she’s a fierce little thing.

I guess the intimidating “hood effect” of my huge gold earrings was destroyed by the cat eyes floral sunglasses I was also wearing:)))). Damn it!:))))

I’m wearing:
black lace slip and blue belt - vintage
 heels and bracelets – random brand
sunglasses – New Yorker
 ring – made by me
 man shirt - Ralph Lauren

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