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Still summer in my heart

This last few days I actually felt like fall is upon us and I’m not pleased. I still have so many summer outfits to show you guys!

The following one features two of my favorite trends ever: high waisted anything combined with a cropped top, t-shirt, sweater. I don’t know what it’s with me and cropped stuff, I suspect it has something to do with my childhood in the late 90’s and Saved by the Bell. While I’m not a fan of showing off your belly button I somehow find that wearing short upper pieces with high waisted garments it's really classy!:)))))) Nothing like a little bit of skin showing to classy up a joint!:))))))

And, what do you know?!!! The fashion Gods agree: I’ve seen countless 2012 spring summer collections featuring the exact same things.

This is what I wore for a late afternoon/ early evening with some of my friends in the city. Between a glass of wine and heated discussion about good food Laura took this pictures of me harassing the street lamps and steel gates of Bucharest.

I’m wearing:
 skirt and belt - vintage
 heels, necklace and cropped tee - random brand

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