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The cross nails tutorial:)

I finally got around doing that tutorial I promised you a week or two ago: the cross nails tutorial. The feedback regarding this rock&roll inspired nails was overwhelming: I don’t remember getting so many compliments on my nails ever before (not even with the half moon nails). I don’t know if this has been done yet, I imagined so – nowadays truly original ideas are almost extinct; and even if you think you had one be sure somebody in Australia or another corner of the world thinks the same about the same idea :)))).
Enough said, here are the steps, it’s not that hard and remember: practice makes perfect.

Am terminat in sfarsit tutorialul cu unghiile cruce, de inspiratie rock&roll pe care vi l-am promis acum ceva vreme. Nu este deloc complicat, aveti nevoie mai degraba de putina rabdare, doua culori contrastante de oja, hartie adeziva si o foarfeca.:)

Step 1. Apply the base color (the color of the “cross”). Wait for it to perfectly dry! I choose a classic black and white and, on another occasion, yellow and black. You can be as creative as you feel like, just remember the base color has to be lighter so that the color you apply after can cover it.

Aplicati culoarea de baza (practic culoarea crucii)! Asteptati sa se usuce bine! Puteti alege orice culori doriti, insa nu uitati ca, cea de-a doua culoare, trebuie sa fie mai puternica si sa o acopere perfect pe prima.

Step 2. Use adhesive paper or label type paper and cut it in long stripes, then apply it on your nails in the shape of a cross (be sure the stripes are not too wide). Also make sure they are well glued (don’t worry about the stripes going over the actual nail, it’s better this way, you’ll take them off easily after applying the second color)!

Folositi hartie adeziva sau hartie pentru etichete (se gaseste in orice librarie) pentru a taia fasii lungi si subtiri, dupa care lipiti-le pe fiecare unghie astfel incat sa rezulte o cruce, asigurati-va ca sunt bine asezate si perfect intinse si lipite! Este in regula daca depesesc putin unghia, din punctual meu de vedere este chiar recomandat, astfel veti putea dezlipi mai usor dupa.

Step 3. Apply the second color of nail polish. Wait for it to perfectly dry.
Aplicati a doua culoare de oja si asteptati sa se usuce bine!

Step 4. After making sure the nail polish is dry just take the stripes off.

Dezlipiti fasiile de hartie dupa ce v-ati asigurat ca oja este complet uscata (eu am lasat-o mai mult de 30 de minute sa se usuce ca sa fiu sigura ca totul urma sa fie in regula)!

Step 5. Use nail polish remover to clean the excess nail polish. I ‘m usually super messy and this step is vital for the final effect.

Folositi acetona si un betisor de curatat urechile pentru a indeparta excesul de oja.

Step 5. You’re done! Admire and put a ring on it!:)))). High five for a job well done! Gloat!:))))
Rasuflati usurate – sunteti gata!

What do you think? Ce parere aveti?


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