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Who are you going to be for Halloween?

If Halloween would be a big deal in Romania (and I’m not talking about thematic club parties) it would so be one of my favorite holidays.

I would be the girl that thinks about her costume/character months in advance and I would chaperon random kids just for the excuse to go trick-or-treat despite my age.

I’m talking about good old Halloween all the clichés included: watching horror movies, going to visit old abandoned houses and graveyards, pretending to be somebody else and really committing to it, lights and creepy home decorations, carved pumpkins, too much candy and orange food.

Who am I kidding?!! I already have some costume ideas lined up even if Halloween isn’t big in my corner of the world and nobody really wears costumes on the streets. It’s not even about the costumes, it’s  more about the stories, about escaping into fantasy, embracing magic and the impossible, being silly and childish.

If given the chance I would definitely be a more creative Halloween dresser. Sluty Barbie, sluty nurse, playboy bunny don’t really make the cut for me; I mean, I can dress like a ho any time, but, seriously, how many times a year can I get a free pass to be a superhero, a TV or a book character?!!! We don’t have Comic-Con here in Bucharest?:)))))

My top 3 choices for this year Halloween are:

           1. Daenerys Targaryen (Daenerys Stormborn)

I can't even begin to tell you how obsessed I am with R.R Martin’s fantasy series (A Song of Ice and Fire), I’ve read them all (the 5 book already published and I’m impatiently waiting for the rest).

And who wouldn’t want to be even if for a single day Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targareyen, Mother of Dragons, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea?????? I bet some of you know what I’m talking about!!!

Things you need to dress up like Daenerys Stormborn: a long maxi dress, preferably Grecian style and silk in a muted color, embellished gladiator sandals, arm bracelets (for the upper part of your arms). I would personally add a leather vest and a dragon ring and maybe little bells in my hair (those who read the books will understand). The hair is crucial - it has to be long, with soft curls and braids.Daenerys Targaryen for Halloween

           2. Angela Chase

I’ve always loved Angela and still identify with her (even now in my mid twenties). My so Called Life is one of the best TV shows I’ve ever seen, it’s the perfect story about being young and in love, a little bit too smart for your own good and awkwardly trying to figure out what the hell is going on all while rocking plaid.
But I guess Alice would make a better Angela – they have the same hairdo, she just needs to dye her hair a fiery "Crimson Glow”.

If you're a super witty redhead then being Angela Chase for Halloween will be easy. The only thing missing is to dress the part: you need a plaid dress or a shirt and a girly, short skirt, combat type boots (Dr. Martens would be perfect) and a denim vest or jacket. Other than that act shy, use "like" in every single sentence, smile a lot and play obsessively with your hair. Being in love with  a boy named Jordan that leans like no other would also help:))).Angela Chase

           3. Margot Tenenbaum

I guess I always felt like I was an unscripted member of The Royal Tenenbaums, as numb and jaded as Margot and equally as hopeless and romantic. A chain smoking, stripe loving mess, a girl that just understands and thinks too much. Also a great choice for Alice hair wise!

If you choose to impersonate Margot Tenebaum you have to get hold of a brown (faux) fur coat to wear over a short, stripped, Lacoste dress, a pair of cute loafers, pink gloves and a red bow bobby pin to hold your hair on one side. You also have to use black eyeliner and pretend to smoke all the time while looking down on everybody.Margot Tenenbaum
Who are you going to be?

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