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Free time is for friends

I’ve finished this week in style – I spend Thursday and Friday afternoon with Stella and had an awesome time. We just walk around the city, went shopping, eating, tried makeup products and perfumes, talked and laughed a lot, it was super relaxing. She’s such a positive person and so easy to talk to so after two days spent together I feel brand new. We also took photos of each other outfits and generally had a blast and decided to meet more often in the future.

This is what I wore Thursday; I’ll make another outfit post with the Friday outfit. I had this maxi dress for a while, but pretty much forgot about it. Thank God I dig it up while I was cleaning! Both necklaces are Alice&Sara, I made them a while ago, the one with feathers is super versatile and can be worn many different ways including on your head as a hippie headband. The pink leather jacket is a recent purchase and on of the reasons I love sale season.

Am avut un sfarsit de saptamana foarte frumos: mi-am petrecut dupa-amiezile de joi si vineri (dupa serviciu) cu Stella: ne-am plimbat, am facut poze, am fost la cumparaturi, am probat o multime de haine, am vorbit, am mancat, am incercat farduri, produse cosmetice si parfumuri prin magazine incat la final miroseam in toate felurile si mai ales am ras pe saturate. A fost foarte placut si relaxant si m-am umplut de optimism pentru ca Stela nu este doar foarte frumosa, dar este si extrem de pozitiva.
Aceasta este tinuta de joi (urmeaza si cea de vineri): o rochie lunga de care uitasem complet cu sandale gladiator si o geaca de piele roz pe care am cumparat-o recent de la reduceri. Colierele sunt facute de mine (Alice&Sara), le puteti cumpara de aici si aici, cel cu pene este foarte versatil si poate fi purtat si ca bentita hippie sau prins in par.

I'm wearing:
dress – New Look
 bag - random brand
shoes – H&M
rings: Miss Selfridge and Meli Melo
 dusty pink leather jacket- New Yorker,
pin up navy style necklace and leather feathers necklace – made by me (Alice&Sara, you can buy them here and here.)

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