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When we ruled the world:)

Getting out every single day has proven to be harder than I would have ever believed. Being a social butterfly is hard work guys!:)))) The other explanation for me being so tired and almost not getting to job in time yesterday is that I don’t usually get out that much but I’ll tackle the challenge like a man!:)

Yesterday was day two of the operation “Mina is in town and we’ll make the best of it”. And so we did. Me, Denisa and Mina met Anna, Anca and Stella at Starbuks (I’m becoming a regular) and had a wonderful time talking and laughing and generally feeling good. I took some photos of the girls and they (mainly Denisa) took some photos of me.

Yesterday was insanely hot and while I considered wearing nothing I decided on a light weight asymmetric dress topped with a vest as I didn’t want to flash my coral bra at work.

I don’t mind flashing it everywhere else though. I’m also wearing a shitload of jewelry, most of them made by me – the spikes headband, the cross and handcuffs necklaces are my own creation-see my store here!

 Anna was blowing kisses my way:)))
  Denisa, Stella, Anca
  Anna was wearing the most beautiful navy open back dress I've seen in a while!
 My summer essentials!:)

I’m wearing:
vest, bag – vintage
dress, sandals – H&M
sunglasses, bra – Forever 21
rings – Meli Melo and Forever 21
spikes headband –  Alice&Sara buy it form my Etsy Store
cross and handcuffs necklaces – Alice&Sara all handmade by me

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