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A(dress) revolution

At the beginning of the warm season I decided this summer I’ll try to wear all of my summer clothes with an accent on all of my amazing dresses as so many of them don’t get to see the light of day more than once  a year or close to never. Instead, I tend to get fixed on a couple of items, many of them dresses in all honesty but still, I’m done wearing only 20% of my wardrobe.

That's all for the love of dresses which have the magic power of making us feel feminine, fresh and comfortable in less than 5 minutes. In order to achieve my goal I decided that for the next two or three months I’ll never wear the same outfit twice (how movie star of me, right?), so it’s a new dress or another combination a day.

I did pretty good, only went to the dark side one time  - I wore one of my favorite dresses twice, but just because I was in a hurry and all my other evening dresses were nowhere to be found or had to be pressed and I wasn’t  in a mood to do that.
For a person that loves dresses so much and wear them a lot I realized I don’t have that many evening dresses which is the perfect excuse for me to take advantage of the sale season (cause you know I need solid reasons to shop:)))).

I feel dresses have a therapeutic quality – they can actually give you confidence.

I’ve also decided to store the items I’ve already worn in the back of the closet to avoid temptation and, let me tell you, it works. I guess this is the main problem: I don’t have enough space  in my apartment; I can’t see all my dresses, skirts, pants and all the rest to choose a different one every day, I have to dig in a million boxes, closets, draws  and I rarely actually do it. But it’s a new era, right?! A revolution that doesn’t actually stop me from admiring some dream dresses.

How do you feel about dresses? Do you favor them?

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