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Summer bliss:)

Yesterday afternoon was the best day ever as I spent it with Mina and Denisa. You know my bfff is in the house when you count the seconds so that you can leave work. Mina’s arrival in Romania was highly anticipated so 6 hours were not enough to catch up and for her to tell us all about her trip to Japan, we’re gonna have to get out every day until she leaves so that I have a sufficient dose of her to last me until next time she comes back to Bucharest.
It’s a hard life I live!:)))))

I don’t have to tell you how lovely Mina is, I could have never believed I‘d get along so well with a person that lives on another continent until I met her two years ago. Here are the photos we took, it was very fun, we were laughing, people were starring, you know, the whole shebang. Denisa was a funny delight as always.  I’m actually starting to enjoy summer although the weather is killing me (much too hot).

Expect more photos with us and lots of other bloggers in the following days, these are just of the three of us – the original possy if you may!:)))))

The photos were taken by the three of us with my camera.

I'm wearing:
  dress, bag – vintage
rings – Miss Selfridge, Dorothy Perkins and Forever21
shoes – random brand
  blue bird headband – Alice&Sara (handmade by me)

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