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Friday Fun

We had so much fun Thursday that Stella and I decided to also spend Friday together, we went for a short while to her private office – she’s a doctor, a dentist and has a wonderful all blue cabinet and then shopping with a delicious stop at Starbucks (the cheesecake is amazing) and took some pictures in the park (Stella has a favorite spot and so we used it).
We also run into Mona who’s a super cute and nice girl, I’m glad we had the chance to talk a bit and hope it won’t be the last time.
As you can see I was in a sailor kind of mood and as it was a bit chilly I wore my amazing vintage white and blue blazer with a huge embroided anchor in the front over a stripped short dress. I’m really into striper shoes right now and this wine color pair is my latest obsession. You don’t want to know how tall I am wearing these babies, it’s crazy!!! I’m also wearing a big black heart with a red bow necklace that I made myself and some cute rings.
Stella had some amazing blue pants and leopard print flats that I loved.

Ne-am distrat atat de bine joi, (eu si Stella) incat am decis sa ne intalnim si vineri, am fost la un targ de cosmetice, apoi am mers pentru scurt timp la Stella la cabinet (stiu ca tuturor ne este putin teama de dentist insa cabinetul ei este atat de albastru si primitor si ea atat de draguta incat iti dispare orice teama) si apoi ne-am plimbat pe la magazine si ne-am relaxat la Starbucks cu Mona cu care ne-am intalnit intamplator si care este o fata foarte frumoasa si simpatica, pacat ca n-am facut si cateva poze.
De data aceasta eu am purtat o jacheta marinareasca, vintage peste o rochie scurta cu o pereche de sandale visinii inalte si un colier cu inima neagra si funda rosie pe care l-am facut eu (il puteti cumpara de aici). 

I'm wearing:
sailor jacket – vintage
 dress – Atmosphere
shoes - random brand (from Mini Prix)
 rings: Miss Selfridge and New Look
black heart necklace – made by me (Alice&Sara, you can buy it here)

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