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An endless summer over

Some days are perfect – it’s the little things, my friends and places that make everything better. As it happens, Sunday was such a day!
I meet Denisa and Ana Maria for a late afternoon mojito lemonade.

When you live in a city for a long time you tend to always go to the same places so it’s such a joy when you discover a new one. Ana showed us a little "secret place" in the middle of the city and I’m willing to share it with you:))). It’s called Lente&Café and it’s this little garden with grape-vine and a few tables, nothing fancy which I find surprisingly nice in Bucharest. They also have very good food, sweets and drinks, their lemonade is top notch.

It kind of was the perfect place for a super relaxing afternoon, we talked for hours, browsed through art and style books that the girls brought, took photos and smiled a lot. You just can’t help but love Ana – she’s so genuine, just like a breath of fresh air!:)

My outfit was very lady like with a side of animal print socks because you can take the wild side from a girl but you can’t take the girl out of the wild:))). The huge hippie flower headband I made myself and it’s on my love list for a long time. I’m also crazy about my ethnic vintage belt – I think it goes really well with my blue plaid dress – I’m always ready for a little bit of print clash!

Photos by the three of us:)
  Girlmance!!!!! (girls+romance:))))
 Hotness - exibith one!
 Hotness - exibith two!
I’m wearing:
dress, belt, bag – vintage
 sandals – random brand
animal print socks - Miss Selfridge
rings - Miss Selfridge and random brand

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