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Purple hues and a Peter Pan collar dress

Let’s just hope this is going to be the last outfit that has a snow covered background! I for one I’m sick of winter and ready to move on and I know many of you feel the same. As I’m not in the best mood I try to cheer myself up by choosing colorful clothes!
I wore this while visiting my grandmother and Livia (my cousin) was kind enough to take a few photos. I have this long coat for ages and I still love it. I remember buying it brand new from a discount shop for less than 3$. Now that’s a bargain if I’ve ever seen one!

The dress is also something I have for a few years and I find it cuter than ever especially now that Peter Pan collars are all the rage. I thought of making it short but then changed my mind, it’s just so special like it is (and it’s not like I don’t have tons of short dresses already).

I also finally got to wear my purple boots for the first time after buying them last year on sale – I can’t believe I forgot about them, I really need a walk-in closet with everything on display because as it is right now I end up wearing only the 20% of my wardrobe that’s not piled up somewhere in boxes or suitcases.

 Do you have enough space for your clothes and shoes?
  I’m wearing:
dress, belt, scarf/rochie, curea, esarfa – vintage
 Bag/ geanta - H&M
coat, long gloves/palton, manusi lungi -  random brand 
  rings/ inele - New Look
Boots/ cizme - Leonardo
earrings/ cercei - Koton

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