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Swagger Diaries

One thing I’m crazy about right now is this new jacket! I find it badass with all the mixed fabrics and fitted shape; I love the leather peeking out at the bottom, all the zippers and the fur collar. I though it looked great over my Swagger tee with the picture of Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire dancing that the guys over at the Tshirt Factory printed for me. The back is marked Pop Culture&Fashion Magic because I’m obviously a slave of this blog :))).

The weather is coming around and I couldn’t be happier – no more freezing for the sake of pictures! Wearing heels is now possible and I was finally able to wear my new pair of shoes - I bought them for a quarter of the original price. Scored!!! 

I’m what you call a bargain hunter – it just feels so right to find something beautiful looking but cheep as far as the price tag goes. I think anybody can dress nicely spending a lot of money and I admire people that look fabulous without spending a fortune. It’s what I try to do! It just feels stupid to spend all my pay check on two dresses and a pair of shoes! That’s so not me! Instead I like to travel, go see movies, buy books, pay my rent - you know, stuff like that! Besides I like a challenge now and again:))))).

 I’m wearing:
shoes/ pantofi - New Look
jacket/ geaca - random brand
necklaces/ coliere - H&M and Forever 21
 skirt/fusta – vintage
custom tee/ tricou - Tshirt Factory

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