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New in – graphic t-shirts

I don’t usually take photos with my new stuff because I’m either too lazy or too busy to do it, but the latest things I got in the mail are just so freaking cool I have to show them to you asap. 

I’m in love with my new graphic t-shirts made by the guys over at Tshirt- Factory. They are a Romanian online store that focuses on personalized and original prints on cotton tees. I’m actually quite impressed with both the quality of the “canvas” and the actual prints. 

It was super hard for me to choose, they have so many cool, ironic or funny models it’s hard to make up your mind. 
Between the site and their Facebook page I finally decided on two pieces they had in store and two special models that I literally spent three days thinking about, choosing the photos and the text for.
They do customized pieces as long as you provide the art/graphic and, believe me, they are patient and will carefully respect your specifications. I was very particular about what I wanted and the two custom made t-shirt ended up being exactly how I envisioned them. 

I can’t wait to show them to you in my outfits? Already wore one – the two photos are just a sneak peek, the complete outfit coming soon. 
And yes, I did something crazy to my hair (I’m going to tell you all about that too).

RO: De obicei nu am timp sau, atunci cand am timp, imi lipseste cheful sa fotografiez cele mai noi haine si accesorii carora incerc sa le gasesc loc in garderoba mea. De data aceasta nu m-am putut insa abtine si am facut cateva fotografii cu tricourile imprimate de la Tshirt-Factory abia primite. 
Sunt indragostita si abia astept sa le port pe toate! Am imbracat deja unul azi (de unde si micul preview la urmatorul outfit post).

Tshirt-Factory este un magazin online romanesc cu tricouri personalizate de care se ocupa o echipa specializata in design grafic si arta urbana. Mie mi-a fost foarte greu sa aleg ceva din zecile de modele de pe siteul lor si de pe pagina de Facebook (sunt atat de multe cu mesaje asolut hilare, ironice sau doar cool).
In plus mi-au facut si doua tricouri custom care au iesit absolut genial (cel cu pin up girl (Hot Much?) si cel cu Ginger Rogers si Fred Astaire (Swagger!:))))  - exista si aceasta posibilitate cu conditia sa le trimiteti grafica deja realizata sau o imagine la rezolutie mare.  

Nu ma asteptam sa arate atat de bine – baza este 100% bumbac, printurile sunt intense si exista o varietate mare de marimi si culori de la care se poate porni. Mi-au placut foarte mult si oamenii de la Tshirt-Factory care au fost foarte rabdatori (a durat trei zile ca ma opresc la o idee, imagine si text pentru tricourile custom) si au respectat in detaliu toate “specificatiile” mele.

In alta ordine de idei - da, am schimbat ceva la par (un fel de ombre extrem), va povestesc in curand!

 What do you think? Do you have a favorite?

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