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Home decor – the spring look

If you’re a lover of this season like me than you probably want your home to look like spring all year long.

Besides being extremely beautiful a “spring” themed space is also an excellent mood lifter. The great thing about home decor is that you can actually achieve that – your house can be that worm, solar refuge against everything stressful and unpleasant. 

Here are some small tips I can give you if you’re into spring-ing things up:
  • Don’t be shy about adding lots of plants and flowers everywhere; they give a fresh and cheerful vibe to any room
  • A pastel and white color scheme is just what you’re looking for. I find aqua blues, soft greens and yellows to be amazing colors for such an endeavor. When it comes to walls white will surely brighten things up – I would also use pastels for trims, doors, furniture, even one of the walls (as a joyful accent).
  • Pretty floral or gingham prints for pillows, chairs, curtains (even the wallpaper) will complete the spring look
  • We’re going for a clean, light and refreshing space so I would suggest getting rid of any furniture that’s not really necessary and just clutters the space.
How beautiful is this bedroom? I adore the blue wood wall and the painting on it - the white tree with small, colorful birds!  
How about a yellow and white gingham print chair?! Yes please!
 Floral touches and shades of green! How warm and relaxing!
 An airy white blanket and a pink rose near the bed - so lovely!
 Turquoise cupboards, flowers and yellow walls in the kitchen!
Is a spring look something you'd go for in your house?

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