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Blue velvet jacket gets friendly with pink tutu

It may look like I’m living in a winter wonderland but it’s just a smoke screen, it’s more like a winter horror land. The rest of the city is all muddy snow and slippery which I should know as I had the pleasure to graciously land in a puddle and almost broke my tailfeather back.
Add huge amounts of embarrassment to that and you’ll get the image. 

So I’m staying away from heels, it’s hard enough to maintain a vertical position in flat boots. That’s not to say I’m going monochrome and sad, I’m actually in a very spring friendly mood. In case you’re wondering why I’m dressed like a cupcake – it’s my way of protesting against this endless winter! For the look of things it's actually working a bit - just know it’s all me! :))))

Both my skirt and bag are presents from my sister, she always gets me things with no particular reason, just because she knows I’d love them – isn’t that fantastic? She actually got me this skirt in two colors, you’ve seen me wearing the ivory one a while ago – I love them both as they are pretty special, an unexpected mix of fabrics:  thick wool and soft tulle and a bit of a tutu shape (for grownups such as myself). 

And then we have the velvet jacket that I also like a lot, especially the color of it - a dark shade of blue. Goes great with hot pink, wouldn’t you say? The rest is all jewelery, boots and silver nails!

My cozy long coat over all that and long gloves are a must! I'm not into suffering/freezing in the name of fashion!:)
 I’m wearing:
skirt/fusta – HLN 
necklaces/coliere - Asos and random brand
  blouse, coat, boots/ bluza, palton, cizme – random Brand
velvet jacket, belt/ sacou catifea, curea - vintage
Bag/ geanta - Marks&Spencer
 ring/ inel –H&M

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