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Taking the show on the road: Belgium

I’ve probably already landed in Bruxelles by the time you all read this; I prepared this text in advance. Needless to say I’m super excited; I really needed a break from pretty much everything. Thank God for the trips – they are one of the reasons I don’t have a nervous breakdown now and again.
I don’t know if I will be able to do any live blogging from Belgium and I won’t stress too much about it, but I did prepare some articles to keep you entertained while I’m gone.

How was packing you ask? Well, I‘m very proud of myself, I only packed 2 dresses, 2 skirts, 2 shirts, 3 sweaters and 2 pairs of shoes including what I’m wearing on the plain for the whole week I’m spending there. I went a bit overboard with the accessories: hats, belts, gloves, scarves and the rest but they didn’t take so much space so it’s ok. I’ve also heard it’s even colder there than in Bucharest right now so I’m sure I’ll be happy I got them.

By now I transformed packing into an art; I know what to take and what to leave behind. I can share the knowledge if you’re interested.

I would be grateful for any good tips on places to visit, shop, eat, dance (especially:))) in Bruxelles.

Thank you so much for all the support, comments, following and I can’t wait to tell you all about this trip!

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