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Beaded collar, black dress – ohhh my, the classiness :))))

Yes, I know, it's almost winter and I keep on posting these late summer - early fall outfits, but I did take the photos already  (some of them in stress conditions as people were starring and stuff like that:)))) and I’ll be damn if I’m not going to show them to you, willing or not. Also it has really been summer in Romania until like a month ago.

And no, I wasn’t going to a costume party dressed as Audrey Hepburn as many of you might think, It’s just I’m so f*****g classy I can’t help it, I just throw something on and I end up looking like that!:)))))))))))))))) It’s a blessing and a curse!

Actually the intent of this get up was something in the lines of a “formal”-ish day to night outfit as I had an event at work and then I had to go out and didn’t have any time to go change, so I just told myself that for the night I could just take off the jacket and belt and ta-daaa, I was ready. Brilliant right?!
I ended up being slightly overdressed even with the neon flats and colorful bracelets. Wasn’t the first time either! :))))))

Don’t you just love my white collar that I’m wearing as a necklace? I just don’t seem to be able to do things the normal way!:))))

I'm wearing
dress, jacket and collar/rochie, sacou si curea: random brand
bracelets/bratari: random brand and New Look
belt/curea: vintage
flats /balerini: New Yorker

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