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Rockstar diaries: biker jacket and white lace dress

I sometimes remember clothes I used to be obsessed with in the past and decide to wear them again for the sake of all the good times. The following outfit is one of those! I used to wear this biker jacket a lot back when my collection of leather jackets wasn’t as extensive as it‘s these days. Still, it’s one of my cooler pieces.

Oh, and my pair of white Adidas Superstar that I bought one summer I spent in Seattle and wore every single day for a week . I love these shoes – so many amazing memories and adventures we shared - me and my sister in an foreign country, leaving in a huge, interesting city, so far away from anything familiar but happy and free and trying to experience as much as possible, making new friends, dreaming.

Really, it’s the memories, the smells, the colors and people that make a garment special, the ones you associate with that particular item, not the brands and price tags. 

The clothes I love the most are the ones I’ve been happy in, the ones that have seen smiles and kisses and laughs and starry skies and early mornings and airports, the ones that traveled with me and have seen the sea. All my favorite clothes could tell wonderful stories and know more about me than most people do.

That’s why I’m mainly an emotional dresser.

Check out the tutorial for the cross nails! Daca va plac unghiile, nu uitati de tutorial!

Uneori imi amintesc de anumite haine de care am fost obsedata in anumite perioade ale vietii mele si decid sa le imbrac din nou. In vremurile in care colectia mea de geci de piele era la inceput, o purtam foarte des pe aceasta. Inca mi se pare super cool!

Si perechea alba de Adidas Superstar pe care i-am cumparat din Seattle in prima vara petrecuta acolo (i-am purtat o saptamana intreaga in fiecare zi si am impartit cu ei o multime de aventuri). Imi amintesc de o perioada frumoasa cand am locuit intr-un oras uimitor, in care eram singura cu Sara la un ocean distanta de orice si orcine familiar, dar fericite si libere si gata sa cucerim lumea.

Imi dau seama ca brandurile, etichetele, pretul hainelor nu inseamna nimic, ceea ce le face cu adevarat importante si speciale sunt amintirile, oamenii, culorile si mirosurile de care ne amintesc, pe care le asociem cu aceste haine.

Toate piesele mele preferate sunt cele care au fost martore la zambete, saruturi, ceruri albastre sau pline de stele, emotii si dimineti calde, prieteni in aeroporturi, cele care au calatorit cu mine, cele care, daca ar putea vorbi, ar spune adevarate povesti si care stiu mai multe despre mine decat majoritatea oamenilor.

I'm wearing
dress, belt/rochie, curea: vintage
leather jacket/geaca: random brand
armor ring/ inel armura: Asos
clear lens sunglasses/ochelari: H&M
cross double ring/inel dublu cruce: Forever 21
socks/sosete: Miss Selfridge
shoes/ pantofi: Adidas Superstar
necklaces/coliere: random brand and made by me

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