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Child star - Thylane Lena-Rose Blondeau

I’m sure that most of you saw at some point a picture of this little girl.
I did too and instantly wanted to know who she was. A few googles later I knew the basics: she is a 10 years old French “supermodel” poetically named Thylane Léna-Rose Blondeau.

Usually my skin just crumbles at the sight of a kid acting like a grown person. I’m old fashioned that way and think that childhood should be just that, little creatures acting all crazy without a care in the world, because let’s face it, life sometimes sucks and it’s good to have a little fun while you can.

Leaving all that behind I have to give it to this little girl, she sure knows how to work a photo shoot, she puts me and so many others to shame, poses wise and pretty much anything else. Also, with a face like that, what else is she suppose to be, a math teacher? She has a natural model beauty, very reminiscent of Brigitte Bardot or Lou Doillon.

I know that she posed for Vogue in august and that caused a lot of controversy, being so young and having to put all that make-up and posing a bit inappropriate for her age. While I don’t really get why make a kid portray an adult in that manner even if it’s ironically as Tom Ford explained, I believe the huge scandal this got transformed into was ridiculous.
They even compared it with the infamous nude picture of 10 year old Brook Shields taken in 1975 by Gary Cross which really took this controversy over the top for me, I don't think the two cases have much in common.

That being said I believe that her best photos are when she is just being herself - a kid; she is so beautiful and such a natural. I love her gap tooth, pretty eyes and flawless hair and I predict a bright future for this little lady in the modeling world, I’m guessing she will have even more success when she grows older and can do catwalks, but until then I leave you with some of her beautiful pictures.

What do you think?

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