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Home decor – funky and modern

I 've always imagined that if I were to live in New York (which is a dream of mine) I would also have a super cool apartment/loft in an artsy area like Soho or Williamsburg that I would decorate in a very specific way.

Aren’t you just dying to know how my imaginary place in New York would look like? I know you do so I have some visual aids prepared. I wouldn't let you guys hanging!

I’m thinking: colorful, funky and fresh, with large pieces of art on the walls, pillows everywhere and interesting furniture - a mix of bohemian and modern, super realxed and comfortable!

And because we’re on the realm of wishes, I wouldn’t mind a lot of light and a steamy love affair with Charlie Hunnam or Gaspard Ulliel.:)))))

The perfect white space, full of art and color!
 I love the transparent ceiling and the light color palette!
 The "library" wallpaper and the electric blue chairs are beyond amazing!
 I'm really into these exposed beams and curved wood chairs!
 The huge painting over the bed makes this room so special!
 Oh, the white floors and colorful pillows on the sofa - they are so cute!
 How about a funky mural and retro yellow lamps over the kitchen table!?
 I need animal printed pillows and suspended paper lamps in my life!!!

 What do you think? Would you come visit? 

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