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Beach getaway

So, this is basically my last weekend in photos. I went to the seaside to celebrate one of my best friend’s birthday and  I was reminded spontaneous getaways involving beach and friends should be something usual. 

We stayed at this cheesy/lovely Gaudi inspired hotel with colorful flowers in the balcony in Vama Veche and lazed around the pool and the sea for two days. 

The result – great fun and a serious tan - I now look like a Jersey Shore cast member!:)

While I still was my extra-white "aristocratic" self!

The sea was pretty blue-green for being called The Black Sea!
 Don't forget to wear a hat!
 On the shore!:)
 Don't even bother wearing any makeup! Instead apply generous amounts of waterproof sunscreen!
I'm not going to lie - I did some shell gathering!
 The colorful hotel I was telling you about before!
 The standard legs in the sea photo plus a bit of a sunburn at the horizon!
 The sandy beach!
 Wildly overpriced food!
A goodbye-see you soon cannonball!
 Any sea side adventures you want to tell me all about?!

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