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Parka dreams and studded boots

Snapping out of the holiday mood is a real bummer! I was getting used to lazing around, eating, reading and watching TV all day long but then I realized I didn’t update the blog for a few days and felt guilty. Being a responsible adult is so hard, guys! I wouldn’t know but I imagine it is! :))))

So here I am with the last two outfits I created around the green dress. Everything I’m wearing except the chain earcuffs is New Look. You can find the other two looks here!

The first is an edgier approach to an otherwise feminine get up. When I saw this asymmetric parka in the store I experimented an almost slow motion moment, romantic music and all – it’s really perfect with the hood, cool shape and all the pockets and zippers. And how about the boots that can be worn two ways: laced up all the way or rolled down revealing the rock&roll studded details?! They look great both ways.

The second outfit is all about layers with the cute stripped sweater over the dress and the long, soft  cardigan worn over all that. I trust you remember the wicked animal print pumps from last time!

I'm wearing:
 everything - New Look
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and you are really excited about the New Year’s Eve party! I know I am!

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