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Event: LaChatterie Gold Label Launch

Last Thursday evening was both busy and pleasant as I attended two very nice events. Today I’m telling you a bit about the first: the launch of the LaChatterie’s Gold Label at their showroom (19, Bibescu Vodă st.). The line’s first collection „Blue Angels, Red Lights" it’s a beautiful mix of romantic and edgy elements with details that are very in right now: collar tips, studs, asymmetric lengths, faux fur and leather insertion.

The outfit I’m wearing at the event including the jewelry is head to toe New Look as part of my ongoing collaboration with the English brand. I‘m going to show you the beautiful New Look coat I was wearing over tomorrow when I’ll talk about the second event I went to.
 Adina Necula and Andreea Lupascu looking beautiful!:)
 The clothes!!!
 The cool crowd of bloggers, editors and fashionistas got to taste the delicious cupcakes signed Cake Couture and the Gramma wine. Both were so good!
Amazing pair of Pixie Shoes oxfords that I need in my life

I always ask my sister how do I look before going out and she always has a funny (most of the times) or helpful (rarely) comment. This time she said and I quote: “Holly Guacamole! This dress really makes you b***s pop! Did you have some work done?” which was super hilarious as we live together (most of the time). Other than the dress I just love the silver cardigan, so slouchy and light weight and the over-sized purple clutch.

  I'm wearing
everything - New Look

These are my favorite looks from the line. Make sure and check out the entire collection here.

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