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10 easy DIY ideas for Holiday wreaths (center pieces)

Only two days until Christmas are left so I thought I should squeeze a fast holyday DIY project for all of you. Pretty much everybody is in vacation mood by now so I guess you have some free time to make a beautiful wreath to decorate the door, the walls or even the Christmas table.
The ideas and materials I found are very diverse so anybody should have at least one of them just lying around the house. Let’s start!

How about some colorful globes and cute fabric?! I bet all of you have those!

Colorful thick yarn and felt can always be put to good use!!! Here’s the proof!

 Do you have some apples, pine cones, nuts, acorns, chestnuts to spare? Well, than get busy and make one of these:

Did you ever think you could use burlap sacks to make such beautiful things; this wreaths look really cool and rustic. I love them!!!

♥  Do you have some dry plants (lavender), greenery and forest fruits around (cranberries)? Then you should make something like this:

♥  You know you can use Brussels sprouts for more than food, right? Just look at this cutie!!!

♥  Go ahead and gather as many leaves as you can and string them on a wire!

How about a different way to use the Christmas lights?

♥  For all of those who have lots of cut buttons, put them to good use and make a wreath out of them!

♥  Simple greenery wreaths with white, sheer bows can look so beautiful, don’t you think so?
Happy Holydays!!!!

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