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The flower crown

You know how you should always have your imaginary crown on! Well, I prefer mine resting on the top of my head and as real as it can be.

This pink roses halo headband it’s something I made a few months ago for myself, but now you can buy it from my Etsy store or my blog if you fancy one for yourselves.
I love wearing it as a contrast to something “tougher” or at least a bit unexpected like the military shirt I have over the denim little black dress. The pink blazer and biker boots with over the knee socks are meant to create the same soft-tough effect.

The thing is I didn’t really thought about it when I put it all together, it’s more of an explaining the process after the fact. 

You guys always ask me how I choose my outfits – the truth is I don’t have a rational way of doing it.
It’s more of a hectic thing like: today I want to wear the rose headband and the tiger necklace, than grab a dress I haven’t worn in ages from the rack, add a shirt and a blazer because it’s cold outside, than remember I have a million things to do and decide upon comfortable boots, look in the mirror and instead of taking one thing off as Coco Chanel advises I add three more. And that’s pretty much it!  

So my advice is to start with one or two items you want to wear or really like from your wardrobe and go from there while also thinking about what your day is going to be like.

 I'm wearing:
military shirt, dress / camasa, rochie - random brand
pink blazer / sacou roz - vintage
necklaces  / coliere - random (the tiger) and H&M (the fang)
  ring / inel - Forever 21
bag / geanta - Debenhams
biker boots /cizme - Stefanel
rose flower crown / bentita trandafiri - Alice&Sara (selfmade, check out my Etsy store)

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