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Underwater magic

I just had to show you this amazing editorial from Numero 2008  I dig up in one of my many surfing trips on the World Wide Web. It’s called “Agua caliente” (warm water) and features a gorgeous Coco Rocha being a total drama queen in a bath tub covered in flowers and jewelry.

Every photo is constructed around a vibrant color and all of them look stunning against Coco’s aristocratic complexion. The  wardrobe choices are  a highlight as well - all those rich colors and the beautiful see-through textures floating around her paired with the powerful makeup (contrasting once again with her striking white skin and long black hair) transform these photos in something extremely inspirational.  

There’s also the modern Ophelia reference that every Shakespeare lover out there (myself included) will surely appreciate. It really makes me want to take overtly glamorous baths and cover myself in decadent jewelry: baroque statement necklaces, emerald rings, huge sapphire earrings and lay in fields of wild flowers. Kind of wonderful to see the magic talented people can create around a bath tub filled with flowers infused water and one beautiful girl.

 I hope this is going to bright your day as much as it did mine!

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