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The breakfast nook

I’m not going to lie – I eat most of my meals in front of my computer or in bed watching a movie or a TV show. A bad habit, I know, but it’s the God’s honest true!

That being said I would never do it if I actually had a nice, small, sunny place to eat instead! I’m in dear need of a charming breakfast nook: an inviting and cozy corner with lots of natural light specially designed for serving meals. I would love a comfortable bench with a small white table and a few chairs all in lovely pastels or stripes to eat while reading the morning papers.

This is what I had in mind – aren’t all these ideas just lovely?
As you can see I’m also a bit obsessed with having a vase of fresh flowers in the middle of the table, it just looks so wonderful.

Who knew delicate pastels would work so great with a dark floor and round table?!
Can you see what I'm  talking about with all the pretty flowers?
How amazing is this all white corner of paradise?!
How about a vintage finish for the table and chairs? Yes, please!!!
I love the awesome chandelier hanging over the white breakfast nook!
 Oh!!! Those beautiful tulips are really something!
 Stripes and peonies - a match made in heaven!
 Photos: 1, 2.
 Not that I need and incentive to eat, but, hey, aren't this ideas for a breakfast nook perfect?

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