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Harvey Specter - Suits Glory

You knew I would eventually write about Harvey Specter. It just had to be done - drooling didn’t cut it anymore! 

Recently named the third most popular new original series in USA Network's history, Suits is a great show that you won’t regret watching. Too bad this second season it’s almost done with the last episode airing next week. Can’t wait for more!


And if that doesn’t convince you then the eye candy involved will. Suits is the story of a successful lawyer - Harvey Specter (played by Gabriel Macht) - the best closer in New York, who hires a young man, Mike Ross (played by Patrick J. Adams) a genius with an incredibly high IQ and a photographic memory. The twist is Specter tells his firm that Ross graduated from Harvard Law School when in fact he never actually attended law school. 

The show is witty, funny and highly addictive. But my favorite thing about Suits it’s mister Harvey Specter and his old-Hollywood-glam-look. That, Donna and Louis Litt!

I know for a fact that you all just went into day dreaming mode as soon as you heard that name. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t judge, I’m with all of you in this! That’s not to say the good looking actors and actresses are the only thing this TV show has going on - we’re talking serious acting here, believable characters, great storylines, sharp writing and a lot of humor.

Suits has depth, it’s smart and funny without ever going overboard. And just so you know – the bromance in Suits it’s off the charts (personally I’m a sucker for a good bromance). The whole boss-mentor relationship is one of the highlights of the show.

But let’s talk about Harvey! That man is so sexy and confident that I would get into trouble only to be represented by his fine self! And don’t even get me started on his hair, that thing deserves his own television show that’s how perfect it looks. 

He has so much swag it’s ridiculous! Harvey Specter is basically half charm, half men suits tailored to perfection, literally topped with the sleekest hairdo in showbiz.

 Do you? Do you, really?:))))

And yes, I am aware Harvey Specter is not a real person, but he sure knows how to put himself together in the morning. He is the epitome of television fashion; his style is what most people just don’t have the possibility to achieve in real life. What I love about him is the fact that while looking like a God he doesn’t seem he is trying too hard. Harvey Specter makes impeccable look effortless. 

I think I learned more about fine, quality suites by watching Harvey Specter’s wardrobe then I’d ever learned in my life and I’m a sucker for his third pieces high end designer suits. You can just see that they are tailored with impeccable precision. 

In the accessory department he keeps it simple, but the pieces he does choose make an instant statement: amazing cufflinks, perfect ties, elegant designer watches or the occasional neatly folded pocket square. And the most important part in Mister Specter`s wardrobe is his confidence because, let’s face it, no matter how nice a suit you’re wearing if you don’t have the goods to back that up it won’t work. 

Even if Harvey never looks anything less then amazing in his contemporary Tom Ford suites, Gabriel Macht describes the style of his character as "Cary Grant meets Steve McQueen".

The fantasy of Harvey Specter is complete because this personage is not only well dressed and painfully handsome but also damn brilliant. Is there anything sexier then that? I tough so! Besides his cocky swagger and smile he gets his charm from being so damn smart and arrogant. Harvey Specter quotes are pretty cool!
Why don’t you check out the corner of 81stand kiss my ass?
I refuse to answer that on the grounds that I don’t want to!
That's the difference between you and me, you wanna lose small, I wanna win big!
I’m against having emotions, not using them!
Do I think that I’m smarter than you? You’re damn right I do.
I stand corrected, your ‘Fast Times at Ridgemont High’ quote, that proves you belong at the adult table.

I for one give the Oscar for most stylish man on television right now to him. Sorry Mister Draper, but a new player is in town and if you want to get ahead you have to step up your game!

I’m telling you girls and boys, if you want to feel better after a hard day, just watch an episode and you will see what I’m talking about. Harvey is the smoothest, most charming guy on TV right now.

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