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Event: Stefanel’s concept store one year anniversary

This time last year I was attending Stefanel’s Concept Store Opening and telling you all about it here. Yesterday evening I was invited to celebrate the concept store’s first year anniversary so here I am with a visual story of what happened.  

The party was relaxed and friendly, I got to see and chat with some familiar faces; there were quite a few Romanian celebrities in attendance as well. But what I enjoyed the most were the clothes and the space they reside in. I just love the building - an old aristocratic mansion full of enchanting details that provides the perfect backdrop for the Stefanel collection which mixes sophistication with a modern but timeless twist. 

The high quality knitwear pieces are a Stefanel staple for over 50 years and I’m not surprised: I saw more than a few jumpers and coats that I would pretty much love to live in this winter, super warm, comfortable with a sharp cut.
The color palette for this season is earthy and classic: creams, browns with shades of yellow, mustard, green and the infamous ox blood mixed in which offers a lot of versatility in constructing outfits around Stefanel clothes.
The outwear and leather looks were the stars of this fall-winter collection as it should be – the beautiful overcoats, jackets and trenches were my favorites. 
I also loved the Cashmere section full of lovely powdery pastel pieces that I will admit, I touched a little too much; between you and me it was getting a bit weird. 

The best part was I got to wear a Stefanel infused outfit - I had loads of fun trying on half of the store before the event and choosing two items that I just fell in love with: the black biker boots and the classy sleeveless trench.
I was looking for the perfect pair of biker boots so when I saw these I was like: you and me, right now, let’s do this! I though the simple design with the badass belt detail was cool; you can wear them with anything. As for the trench – it’s just amazing and doubles as a dress.

My outfit! Tinuta mea!
 My favorite looks from the fall/winter collection! Tinutele mele preferate din noua colectie!

RO version
Poate va amintiti cum anul trecut am participat la deschiderea concept store-ului Stefanel in centru Bucurestiului, eveniment despre care am vorbit aici! Ei bine, miercuri seara am fost invitata la aniversarea de un an a concept store-ului si prezentarea colectiei de toamna-iarna Stefanel.

Petrecerea a fost foarte relaxata, cu o multime de figuri familiare, persoane publice, designeri autohtoni, bloggeri de moda, muzica si cocktailuri. Insa cel mai mult mi-au placut hainele si spatiul care le gazduieste. Vechea casa boiereasa de la nr.3 din Piata Romana care a fost renovata cu mult gust (pastrandu-se toate detaliile fermecatoare care ii dau personalitate) este spatiul perfect pentru colectiile Stefanel – un mix echilibrat de traditie si sofisticare ancorat insa in actual.

Intentia de a atrage un segment de piata mai tanar se ghiceste in croielile moderne ale pieselor si in mici detalii speciale (pliseuri, imprimeuri, combinatia de materiale) pastrandu-se insa linia clasica, sofisticata asociata cu brandul. Paleta cromatica este una neutra (crem, gri, maro) cu accente de galben, verde, mustar, visiniu (celebrul ox blood). Ca de obicei tricotajele (care sunt, pe buna dreptate, emblema Stefanel) mi-au placut in mod special: pulovere, saluri, cardigane lungi, cape, rochii calduroase si comode, cu siluete moderne si finisaje impecabile in care te visezi iarna intreaga. 
In general sectiunea de “outwear” m-a cucerit – trench-urile, paltoanele si jachetele au in acelasi timp un aer modern si atemporal, genul de piese pe care le poti purta mai multe sezoane fara a parea demodata si in care merita sa investesti. Un alt superlativ al colectiei mi s-au parut articolele din piele (un mare plus pentru pantalonii creion foarte chic), dar si linia Cashmere cu piese in culori pudrate, pe care, recunosc, le-am pipait mai mult decat era firesc.

Am fost de asemenea incantata sa pot purta o tinuta condimentata cu articole Stefanel din noua colectie. Nici nu va imaginati cat m-am distrat proband jumatate din magazin in incercarea de a ma hotari asupra unui singur outfit pe care sa-l port la petrecere. Cum sunt foarte nehotarata am petrecut jumatate din timp facand poze cu telefonul in cabina de proba (super classy - doar stiti cat sunt de sofisticata:))))) pe care le expediam constiincios Sarei (sora-mea) la serviciu ca sa ma ajute sa aleg. In fine, o viata grea, dar fiecare  cu necazurile lui!!!

Dupa lungi incercari care au durat mai bine de o ora si jumatate (le multumesc celor din magazin care m-au asistat cu multa rabdare) m-am oprit asupra trench-ului scurt fara maneci care poate fi purtat si ca rochie (absolut superb).
Imediat dupa am zarit perechea de cizme pe care o port cu atata gratie in fotografi si potrivit cantecului pe care nu imi amintesc cine il canta acum 100 de ani, dar ale carui versuri hilare mi le amintesc cu claritate in mod absolut bizar : “ingeri au cantat/ in ziua cand m-ai sarutat/ si-am stiut ca toata viata mea te voi iubi/la primul tau sarut ploi de stele au cazut/ un sarut a fost de-ajuns sa stiu ca noi suntem predestinati.  Inlocuiti sarutat cu vazut si veti sti ce a fost in inima mea!
In concluzie - asa am fost invesmantata la petrecere: am adaugat o rochie scurta si o pereche de ciorapi scandalosi si am facut mult prea multe fotografii, dar m-am simtit bine.

 Detaliu cu tinuta mea!
 The changing room debacle I told you about!  In cabina de proba - subliniez absenta infamei "duck face"! Do I least get any points for that?
This amazing  knitted cardigan is the one I'm wearing in the first photo form the collage above! Very cozy and cool!
Vedete/persoane publice prezente la petrecere (de la stanga la dreapa):  Albertina Ionescu, Adela Popescu, Alexandra Badoi, Andreea Patrascu, Carlo Stefanel si Alexandra Badoi, Corina Vladescu, Dana Rogoz, Raluca Lazarut, Laura Cosoi
I'm wearing:
sleeveless trench dress / trench - Stefanel
  biker boots / cizme – Stefanel
tights  /ciorapi - New Look
dress, earrings / rochie, cercei  -random brand
  bag / geanta - Debenhams

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