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Sweet torture

I suspect the universe is trying to feed my unhealthy addiction to chocolate and such. How else can you explain me at the office working hard for the money:)) and then suddenly, still at the office, but torturing myself with pictures and even recipes of the most amazing deserts  in the world.

So weird - I often find myself practicing this modern way of torture, I have to stop reading the chain emails some of my colleagues send me.

From early this morning I can only think about one thing, mainly that I would kill for a piece of Sachertorte (chocolate cake that is). This unbelievable desert originally from Austria is, if you like chocolate as much as I do, the ultimate treat.
An  original Sachertorte can only be found in Vienna or Salzburg, the place were the Sacher hotels are. It  was created in 1832 when Wenzel Clemens Prince Metternich (the minister of foreign affairs then) wanted a super exciting new desert he could serve to his high ranking guests (he probably wanted them semi drugged so that the governmental matters could go smoothly). Because the chef was ill this hard task felt on the hands of an 16-year-old apprentice named Franz Sacher. Poor bastard! Luckily his desert was a hit and so his name will forever be known as the name of this legendary cake.
A Sachertorte is made from chocolate cake with one or two layers of apricot jam in the middle and a consistent dark chocolate icing on top and sides. If you want to tray the traditional receipt then you have to serve it with whipped cream. Amen!!!!

 You’re entitled to hate me now! I will allow that much! I’ll eat a grapefruit and call it a day!

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