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Boy/Girl Wonder - Martin Cohn

Remember these two articles of mine? Well guess what? There was androgyny before Andrej Pejic!:)))) He has a little bit of competition and the name of the competition is Martin Cohn (who  happens to have some Romanian roots but that’s beside the point).
Apparently this type of look is called UMO (standing for Unidentified Modeling Object) which to me seems like the stupidest name in the history of stupid names.
I really like this trend of atypical models who don’t look like anybody else; they are unique and truly special.
But seriously, how is it fair for a guy to look this pretty? You probably didn’t hear anything about him before just because he’s a part time model, his real dream being to become a well known actor. 

Martin is not afraid of controversy as he dresses often in women’s clothes (not only on the catwalk) but also in his day to day life). I really like that about him, the fact that he is so confident to wear women clothes and to know that he looks fabulous, plus he says he doesn’t think he has a certain look, he just wears what he likes even if people think he is eccentric and extreme.

He changed his hair color into platinum blond which apparently helped him book more gigs, but I personally like him better with his natural color.

 What gender did you first think he was?

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